Saturday, June 25, 2011

poem of the day 06.25.11

this poem was supposed to say something

this poem was supposed to say something
but it went on strike and i lost the plot
it called in sick, went awol
i can no longer remember the meaning behind it
this poem was supposed to say something
it was supposed to rail against the government
for fighting endless wars
it was supposed to censure some states
for trying to kill off the union man
but i don’t know where this poem went
it left a note and said
that it was going to the store for some milk
but i checked the fridge and we have a full carton
this poem was supposed to say something
it was supposed to be meaningful and enlightening
it was supposed to tell us how to fix our national mess
how to heal the world
but this poem is in the other room
checking out the baseball scores on the television
it’s updating its checkbook
and banging on the neighbor’s door
this poem was supposed to be soft on immigration
but it keeps on checking my i.d.
it was supposed to support gay marriage
but it’s stonewalling
it was supposed to tell me what to do
to make everything right
but it keeps complaining whenever i screw something up
this poem was supposed to say something
but it’s eating all of the cold cuts in the kitchen
it’s drinking all of my beer
and getting belligerent over dinner
this poem is turning violent
it just pulled a knife on me
and took all of my cash
it sold off my family heirlooms for drugs
this poem was supposed to go somewhere
real and honest and true
but instead it went to the bar
it went to the airport and told me not
to try and find it
this poem was supposed to save my soul
but instead it hopped a flight to rio
and sent me an email
telling me to go to hell.

1 comment:

  1. wow! that was so damn good. I've really got some catching up to do here.
