Monday, August 15, 2016

poem of the day 08.15.16

what was so important at the petco
that you had to almost mow me down

was it a last minute run on biscuits?
a new chew toy for fido
or some cheese flavored treats for the cat?

i’m curious, lady

what was so important at the petco
that you had to almost mow me down

right through that intersection
like you didn’t even care

i could see if you were on your cell phone
a dick move and highly illegal in these parts

at least that would make sense

but you were staring straight ahead
eyeball to eyeball with me
as if we were up on some telepathic shit

did you even see me jump?

what was so important at the petco
that you had to almost mow me down

a job interview? a rescue pet seminar?
a social justice protest giving it to corporations and the man?

at least the lady six blocks ago
was trying to make the yellow light
when she almost nailed me from the side

and the guy this morning, he didn’t even blanche
when i called him a miserable fucking fuck
for rolling through a four-way stop sign and almost drilling me

he knew what was up

maybe your favorite song was ending on the radio
but that still doesn’t make this right

you could say maybe i’m the one who
should’ve been more careful
but each time i was paying attention

who would’ve thought a tuesday
the perfect day for a veritable hat trick
of possible motor vehicle death for yours truly

christ, with people like you it makes one think
they’ve beaten the odds just by getting home and going to bed

so what was it?

what was so important at the petco
that you had to almost mow me down

make me step back on my toes and spin
like a fucking ballerina?

i’ll take anything at this point, bitch

20% off dog and cat food
a yankees jersey for rover and spot

a rabbit cage or a reptile for the kids
a murder/suicide pact that we’d
drunkenly made at a bar some time ago


what was so important at the petco
that you had to almost mow me down
on a hot and humid august afternoon

like you were the only person
who mattered in the world

the only one with cash to burn
barreling through the dregs
of this scorched and stinking earth

almost upending both of our little lives
for good.


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