Saturday, February 25, 2017

WineDrunk SideWalk: Shippwrecked in TrumpLand, Weekly wrap-up (no longer round up) Week FiVE

Week Five….and while the bombast and all-around ineptitude are still there, the “so-called” president sherbet baby-dick administration seems to be gliding comfortably into the authoritarian mode that all but the most naïve of americans expected. As of this writing the motherfucker barred several news sources including CNN, The New York Times, the BBC, and Politico from covering and asking questions at Friday’s press briefing. Welcome to state-run news media…or the petulant acts of a man-child…I really can’t tell which is which these days.

Anyone else getting scared and nervous? And, shit, I expected things to go down like this.

So where to start? Honestly there’s so much in the way of horrendous bullshit I’m going to be providing links A LOT this week.
Let’s start with deportation shall we? “so-called” president sherbet baby-dick and his white nationalist administration released and began enforcing their deportation plan this week, and depending on who you are talking to either it’s business as usual or there have been an uptick in raids and people are hiding on the street. Regardless….things are going to get very very bad for a lot of immigrants, illegal or otherwise, in the coming weeks, months and, god help us, years. Let’s not bullshit ourselves here, things are also going to get a lot harder for People of color, women and transgendered people (more on that) in regards to this and whatever else these neo-nazis come up with next. It’s important to know your rights and to know the facts. For the facts I’ve provided a link HERE and our friends at the ACLU have provided some information on your rights right HERE.

also...donate to the ACLU...if you can.

“so-called” president sherbet baby-dick, when not holding rallies for his idiot minions and informing us all about the dangers of living in Sweden, also found  the time this week to revoke President Obama’s guidelines on Transgender high school students using the bathrooms of their choice. The revoke had been delayed for a few days due to infighting between Attorney General Jeff Session and Education Secretary Betsy Devos over her wavering to agree to the order…or it might’ve been over having to stare at the big boner Session had for getting to give it to Transgender people. More on that HERE.

In other Sessions news…..privately run prisons….we hardly got to say goodbye and here we are tangoing again. That’s right that little summer order of President Obama’s to no longer house federal prisoners in privately run prisons….GONZO.
The Dakota Pipeline project is back up and running as protestors were removed off the land and their encampment razed….long live the oil industry…those greedy fucks.

The CPAC (conservative political action conference…or what I like to call a cleaned-up Klan rally) met this week just south of Washington. Highlights included KellyAnne (we hardly missed you) Conway coming out of hiding, Stephen K. Bannon coming out from under his rock to declare the media the opposition and that the Trump administration main agenda is to be a “deconstruction of the administrative” state, which immediately had Paul Ryan’s and Mitch McConnel’s balls looking for a place to hide.

But the main event was Friday when “so-called” president sherbet baby-dick gave another one of those vile, incoherent, self-congratulating, and rambling speeches that he loves to give. In usual fashion sherbet baby-dick went over the details about his surprising election victory, talked shit on the increasingly popular Obamacare, blasted the media as fake, and generally gave his dim and dark worldview of which only the light shining from his orange-visage will ever bring us out from under the depths.

you can read a full transcript of the asshole's rant right HERE

If I haven’t already….thanks Trump voters, especially you fucking assholes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

And last but not least….Milo. Every pseudo-liberal’s and Bill Maher’s favorite little Christopher Hitchens wannabe. This week video surfaced of Milo extolling to virtues of man/boy love (not his advocating violence against woman, transgendered people and people of color) which, finally, FINALLY, caused an outrage and got the little douche bag to lose his book detail and his job at Der Sturmer (er, Breitbart). So apparently in America in the 21st Century you are allowed to shoot up a classroom full of kids, but we draw the line when you talk about fucking them. That said, Milo most likely won’t be gone for long…..let’s enjoy his absence while we have it.

at least so-called "president" sherbet baby-dick waited until Lindsay Lohan was 18 to talk about fucking here.  although he did do THIS

Things are finally getting ugly out there folks. And even though sherbet baby-dicks' approval rating are at 38%...he's at 80% with Republicans...which means we're most likely stuck with this fuck-face until at least 2018.  It can be hard to maintain vigilance. But keep doing it. Keep making art…and send it to me. Submit2Resist stick around because we have the poetry of Steven Storrie today at 12pm EST and the poetry of Kristofer Collins tomorrow at 12pm EST as well.

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