Wednesday, February 12, 2020



From the sidelines it seems even worse.
The infighting,
the harassment
the hashtags


It’s all right there, allowing us to scramble
and tear at each other desperate to pick
not only the person that can beat him
but the one that we have championed
our own savior
our personal jesus

just like the way the other side sees the President.
The swollen bloated carcass of populism.

I take a step back and then another
and it comes into sharp terrifying focus
not only the possibility of four more years
four more years of violence
and racism
for more years of suppression and fear
and murder and war
and the choking desperate death of Earth,

Not just those four more years
but the four afterwards
the four years beyond
when Ivanka Trump
becomes the first woman president

and everything I ever believed turns to ash.

 --Ally Malinenko 

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