Tuesday, January 22, 2019


little boys in red hats

little boys in red hats
mocking native american man
little boys in red hats
you think you run anything
on stolen land?
little boys in red hats
little WHITE boys in red hats
chanting “build that wall, build that wall”
doing tomahawk chops in his face
little boys in red hats
hitler youth in sheep’s clothing
little boys in red hats
with smug, punchable faces
ruddy cheeked nazis
in your prep school bubble
little boys in red hats
i grew up just like you
was force fed that privilege shit
good faithful kids
good catholics
keep swallowing your lie
racist down to your very core
little boys in red hats
little cowards
swirled into the hateful verve of your mob
little boys red hats
your asshole parents have no soul
because they are raising nothing
but little boys in red hats
who will grow up to become nothing
but small men
dressed in lilly white sheets.

--John Grochalski

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